DCG caters for a wide variety of engineering consulting services, including residential, commercial and industrial projects. All projects utilise the latest computer software packages for analysis, design and drafting. Designs allow for a large range of materials including; timber, structural steel, masonry, blockwork (hollow and reinforced) and reinforced concrete.
DCG has extensive experience in the design and certification of a variety of structural and civil engineering projects including but not limited to:
- New Dwellings
- Dwellings with Extensions
- Multi-Storey Dwellings
- Dwellings with Basements
- Apartment Buildings
- Townhouses
- Multi-Unit Developments
- Aged Care Housing
- Prestige Housing
- Renovations
- Carports
- Pergolas
- Multi-Level Office Buildings
- Multi-Level Retail Buildings
- Mixed use Office & Retail
- Petrol Stations
- Car Washes
- Multi-Storey Carparks
- Aged Care Buildings
- Medical Centres
- Office / Retail Extensions
- Office / Retail Refurbishment
- Shopping Centres
- Highrise Buildings
- Steel Portal Frame Warehouses
- Precast Panel Warehouses
- Monorails
- Overhead Gantry Cranes
- Access Platforms
- Ladders
- Tanks and Tank Farms
- Shelters
- Re-development of Existing Buildings
- Sign Structures
- Building Inspection Reports
- Residential Distress Inspection Reports
- Water Retaining Structures
- Retaining Walls
- Civil (Stormwater & Retention Systems)
- Civil (Sub-divisions)
- Tilt-up Panel Design for Lifting On-site
- Swimming Pools
- Underpinning
Expert witness
- Expert witness services